Darween Rozehan Shah

Darween Rozehan Shah

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sukarnya Menjaga Hati

Mungkin ada yang perasan post baru di blog nie semalam tiba² ghaib tanpa dikesan.. Huhu.. Maafkan daku.. Memang niat untuk disiar.. Bila coretan sampai di pertengahan, tiba² otak aku blank! Maka niat di hati ingin simpan sahaja, malangnya keserabutan telah membuatkan tanganku ini menekan butang publish! Alamak! Ampuunnn… Huhu..
Biarkan saja pandangan pertama itu, akan ku siar juga nanti.. Sekarang ingin aku bercerita tentang menjaga hati.. Kenapa dilema perasaan manusia ini sering diributkan dengan keserabutan yang tak pernah surut.. Kenapa perlu biarkan hati sendiri sakit dikala insan lain hatinya tertawa riang bergumbira? (aku tetiba pelik dengan bahasa sendiri)
Pernah disakiti dengan perit hati tuan puan? (pinjam bahasa thinker) Ah! Jangan nak bohong diri sendiri.. Cakap saje pernah.. Adakah pernah terniat ingin membalas kembali kesakitan itu padanya? Ya.. Berniat memang senang, tapi bila ingin bertindak sangat sukar sekali.. Mungkin aku sendiri dididik sebegitu..
“ahh! Kalau aku, aku sound direct jer.. Apa nak peduli perasaan orang!” Jangan nak hipokrit.. Aku dulu pun akan bercakap begini bila ada yang memuntahkan ketidak-puasan hatinya padaku.. Sama seperti yang aku katakan di atas, memang berkata² itu mudah.. Selalunya otak tak akan sempat menapis segala percakapan yang ingin disampaikan.. Maka wujudlah pepatah ‘terlajak perahu boleh diundur’..
Kadang hati ini sering merungut.. Kenapalah orang lain tak boleh jadi seperti aku.. Bersungguh² menjaga dengan cermat hati orang lain tapi malangnya orang lain sering mencalarkan hati aku tanpa mengendahkan ganjaran yang sudah diterima.. Maaf.. Bukan aku nak katakan aku ini cukup sempurna tapi inilah kelemahan terbesar aku dalam kehidupan bersama orang lain..
Sering aku tegaskan pada hati.. Tak perlu menjaga hati orang lain kalau hati sendiri sakit.. Erm.. Tapi tak terdaya.. Memang sifat kasihan dan simpati aku sukar dikikis.. 
Maaf.. Coretan di hari minggu yang agak menjengkelkan..
bila hati terasa tidak dihargai, habis tembakau puntung dibuang (?)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Hari Raya Aidil Fitri 2010 Wit My Beloved Family and Friends, overdued

mummy and papa....love u so muchhhhhhh!!!!
aku yang syok sendiri...

Anyway, I know it's kind of late, but still, 'Eid Mubarak to all of you, and I apologise for all the mistakes and wrongdoings I've done to any of you, whether I realize it or not. Truly am sorry. Actually we should ask for forgiveness not just during 'eid, because it's not like we're guaranteed to live till the next 'eid right? mm..just my two cents.

This year, although albeit quieter than previous years, my 'eid has been quite the unique experience. 

A quote by someone I forgot who,

"when some steps into a river, takes his foot out, and places his foot back into the river, it is not the same river he initially set his foot into" something like that. I don't know how it's related but I'm sure you understand.

I think I've been changing every year since my mid-teen days. Every year I'm different, since I was in form 1 I think. Annual changes. Well, compared to last year, I'm kinder to my brother's now. heh. And we get along better. I'm closer to my family now compared to last2 year..though, CLOSER doesn't necessarily mean CLOSE. Depends on how you define it. (someone's snickering while reading this, I know.blergh)

Alhamdulillah, Praise be to The Almighty Creator of the universe and all its contents, I have improved in more ways than one, compared to the previous year. Although, quantity doesn't necessarily symbolize quality, but there's something atleast(see that's our problem, we are easily contented with 'atleast'.gotta change this. *takes note* ).

In this one year, there were a few major events in my life that more or less made me more matured, in a way, regarding certain issues. My path feelsclearer, and by Allah I really hope it's clearer, I hope I'm not hallucinating. 

Well, one thing's for sure, being here in UNS exposed me to another important element that I must have in life, religion. And also marriage. UNS has invaded my mind and implanted several elements of marriage. Hahaha. Some of you may be snickering right now, but your faces will turn into rotten tomatoes when I marry your sister. lol just kidding. nonsense. 


Well, yes, "nothing is permanent, but change" . We keep changing , one way or another, and hopefully for the better. The earlier half of 2010 sure did some things to me. Now the second half is also doing stuff to me. I'm always being done stuff on! (grammar check please). You are changing too. Okay I seem to be repeating my point.

As usual, if you refer to my posts during early "perantauan" life, it'll be basically the same thing, new people, friends, lecturers bla bla bla. Same here. But the more distinctive features of UNS SOLO is the environment, setting, food, and activities. Shah Alam was basically the epitome of freedom. SOLO is somewhat in between. 

I started learning Futsal here in SOLO. Hopefully I'll be a fine Futsal Player kalu x pancit la by the time I finish my degree. InsyaAllah. University life really requires one to be independent and able to self motivate to do things. If I were to follow EVERY SINGLE ONE of my friends' paces, I'll be stuck doing nothing significant. Kejap ikut dia, kejap ikut dia, lama2 stress, masalah problem.duduk rumah tunggu bini masak. oops salah topic.heh

So yeah. I'm roughly on gear TWO almost gear THREE. Not on the preferred pace yet. =/

I didn't study at all though during the holidays, if that counts as an achievement(obviously it doesn't). 

Well, developing the self should be our aim. As long as we keep developing ourselves positively, insyaAllah, we can make a change, even if it's just the people around us. We have to try right? Haha..old man nagging. People nowadays want to be successful and rich and have a happy family. Developing the self? Meh. If it happens it happens...right? 

Oh well. An 'old man' like me..who'd listen to me eh? ahahhaha. 

My quranic recitation teacher told my mom, " He just thinks he's old and mature. Still a kid lah that boy"

Hahaha. I wonder if it's true..hmm.. =P 

I mentioned something unique about my 'Eid this year right? Well, it's about me visiting my Grandma house in Banting as usual every year.but diz my second year celebrating my 'Eid in Malaysia, after about 3 years fasting and "Raya" at oversea.what great moment dat I can spent my entire Syawal month with my family, such a memoriable moment. It was a very fruitful visit, beneficial, and also an eye opener in some other sense.

I spent quite some time there, eating, talking, eating somemore, talking , And then more eating. Haha. 

In terms of new environment and place, alhamdulillah I can adapt quite fast compared to some others. When I got back here, lately hahaha, on tuesday, it felt sort of like home. A second home perhaps. I just went on with my life as usual. And then it struck me...what am I doing here? I'm just letting my days pass me by, I feel comfortable, yet unproductive. Maybe this is what happens when you're in the comfort zone. 

Then I remembered. I'm in a university. I should be studying! And do my best! And develop my self to become a better person, so that I can contribute back to the ummah and society one day insyaAllah.

So far I haven't been doing my best. It does get to me sometimes, but usually only for a short period of time. Then I get over it. Too fast perhaps. 

The point is, I'm not that focused yet. Banyak main lagi ni. As a reminder to myself and others, YOU ARE HERE TO STUDY! NUNTUT ILMU TU HABIS2! Jangan buang masa. hmph.

So anyway, I'm here, away from my family.
It's late. I should sleep.

Enjoy the remnants of the holiday mood. We're going to have to take it up a notch ASAP. Let's roll. 


p/s: if you need translations on any of the words here,please do ask.I'll try and help


Denny Harry Firdaus Shah....

Darren Farhan Shah

Danial Harith Shah

photo ngan papa


agak kechi la bersame spek2 masing2

papa and mummy...romantic couple

Selepas Berbuke kat Nandos SACC

menanti waktu2 berbuke...

ADIOM crew

muke2 yang kekenyangan

open house umah zam

open house umah chimie

open house umah adly

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Nostalgia di perantauan

Bersama dengan nenek HJH NGASRIAH dan my lil brother's
Posing sebelum masuk depature hall

Salam Ukhuwwah kepada semua....

Alhamdulillah, kita rafa'kan kesyukuran kepada Allah Ta'ala kerana di beri peluang untuk menikmati nikmat yang diberikan olehNYA. Semangat meyakinkan diri saya untuk mengupdate blog ini setelah sekian lama tidak di update. Sedar tidak sedar diri ini, sudah hampir 4 tahun aku berada di perantauan, 4 tahun memang boleh dikatakan agak lama, tapi apakah yang telah kita dapat hasil dari kehidupan dan pengajian di sini?? terkedu di fikiran untuk memikirkannya. 
Adakah bahasa Indonesia dan Jawa aku fasih seperti yang diiharapkan??
Adakah kematangan aku sudah sampai ke tahapnya??
Dan lain-lain..
Soalan yang selalu bermain di kepala memang susah untuk mencari jawapan...
Hampir tidak di sedari bahawa pembelajaranku di sini akan memasuki ke fasa yang terakhir bagi menyelesaikan B.Sc Medical Science sebelum melanjutkan 2 tahun lagi untuk menyelesaikan misi terakhir aku iaitu Medical Degree.. fasa 1 telah ku lalui dengan berbagai pengalaman dan pengajaran yang mungkin tidak akan ku lupakan dan akan memberi semangat untuk meneruskan perjuanganku..

Keluarga tersayang

membe2 pertama ku di SOLO

Hari pertama sebelum ke kuliah

Di Pusat Islam Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS SOLO)

Suatu masa dahulu, hampir 4 tahun dahulu, ramai di antara mereka yang baru jer sampai di bumi asing ini. Masing-masing dihiasi senyuman gembira yang tidak dapat digambarkan oleh perkataan. Namun adakah senyuman itu masih mekar menguntum sehingga hari ini? Tiada siapa yang mampu menjawabnya. 

Kenangan yang menghibakan hari aku arini, teringat zaman-zaman masih setahun jagung bak kata orang. :) baru ingin mengorak langkah ke dalam kehidupan yang lebih mencabar, dan kini pelbagai onak dan duri telah diharungi, ada yang berjaya mengharunginya walaupun mengalami luka parah di dalam perjalanan. Yang pasti, setiap dari mereka telah berada di arah yang berlainan, di laluan yang berlainan, dengan satu matlamat untuk meneruskan langkah ke alam yang lebih mencabar.Semoga semuanya berjaya dalam apa jua yang dikerjakan… Terasa rindu untuk bersama seperti dahulukala.

Masak-masak Chef Naza in action
Buka puasa di Pizza Hut Solo Grad Mall
Berbuka puasa bersama2 student2 malaysia
BBQ untuk berbuka puasa

Gotong royong BBQ for berbuke

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


special thanks to http://dubai.isnuts.googlepages.com/